
and GFC-UI CVS Updated August 31st...
The latest CVS update changes the way
properties are used. A conversion operator and assignment
operator were added to the GFC::G::PropertyProxy class so you can get
and set properties by assignment. The example applications and demo
widget program have been updated to reflect these changes.
development version 2.3.1 released...
second development release of GFC-Core
and GFC-UI
are available for download from today, August 24th 2004. GFC-Core is
the GFC core object library and includes a C++ wrapper for GLib, a UTF8
string class, automatic memory management, several convenient base
classes and a typesafe system of C++ signal and slots. GFC-UI is the
user interface library and is built on the GFC-Core library. GFC-UI
wraps most of the objects found in the GTK+ library, and includes a
full set of simple example programs, several test
applications, a C++ version of the GTK+ widget demonstration program
and extensive reference documentation. The tutorial is still being
updated. When it's finished it will be added to a future development
packages available; courtesy Goedson Teixeira Paixão... |
to Goedson Teixeira
Paixão you can download the latest debian packages here or from any debian mirror.